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I'm a 32 year-old first-time mama chronicling the jump off the cliff into parenthood and the free-fall into divorce. Thank you for the service of reading along.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Very good site to address stigma in media news movies in very explicit terms, link and oping page text in the message.

Very good site to address stigma in media news movies in very explicit terms

What is CineMania?

Cine: of, or pertaining to, cinema, film, or motion pictures; used as a prefix in the formation of compound words.

 Mania: 1.  violent derangement of mind; madness; insanity. (Webster's Revised) 1. an excessively intense enthusiasm, interest or desire; a craze. 2. psychiatry: a manifestation of bi-polar disorder, characterized by profuse and rapidly changing ideas, exaggerated sexuality, gaiety, or irritability, and decreased sleep. 3. violent abnormal behavior. (The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language)

CineMania: the combined effect of exploitation movies and news reports which stereotype users of mental health services leading to the implied conclusion that all people labeled mentally-ill are violent and deranged. 

(This is what Aldous Huxley referred to as "persuasion-by-association.")

CineMania is a phenomenon peculiar to members of the media who are driven by the need to exploit and sensationalize - keenly aware that ethical considerations are no longer a marketable commodity in the world of media competition. It is through this process of osmosis that biased news reports cleverly equate depraved movie characters as accurate depictions of "mental illness." Whenever an article about mental health is reported in the news, the media usually finds an angle linking the story to violence, which justifies denying all people labeled "mentally-ill" their most basic constitutional rights. This type of non-rational persuasion is evidenced by:

  • widespread belief: the stereotype is argued to be true because it is widely held to be true
  • prejudicial language: negative value or moral judgement is attached to the stereotype
  • intentional exclusion: evidence that would or could disprove the stereotype is hidden or concealed
  • misleading generalization: the evidence is unrepresentative of the population cited as a whole
  • inflammatory terminology: the audience is warned of dire consequences (beware the "M" word: mentally-ill)
  • emotional appeal: the audience is persuaded to agree through emotion, not through logic or reason


very inpressed with this works,
Phillip Quiette
Post Office Box 43865
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