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I'm a 32 year-old first-time mama chronicling the jump off the cliff into parenthood and the free-fall into divorce. Thank you for the service of reading along.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Fw: Emailing: Rx Outreach Patient Assistance Program for Discount Prescription Drugs.htm

Help for low income people to get help if not through other means for some of the meds through this Rx Outreach Patient Assistance Program for Discount Prescription Drugs.htm
Rx Outreach News
Jun. 27, 2006
Rx Outreach now offers you access to more than 110 low cost medications in more than 40 therapeutic categories.
Jun. 27, 2006
Cyclobenzaprine tablet 10mg $20 Qualaquin® capsule 324mg $20 Ticlopidine tablet 250mg $30

Welcome to Rx Outreach, a Patient Assistance Program.
  Rx Outreach is an easy and affordable way for people of all ages to get medicines they need. Through this Patient Assistance Program, people who qualify financially can get more than 110 prescription medications that treat a wide range of conditions including diabetes, asthma, heart disease, and depression. People may take advantage of the program even if they receive medicines through another discount prescription drug program. The program is available to individuals and families with incomes of up to 250 percent of the federal poverty level. For a family of four, this figure is about $50,000 per year.
Safe! Affordable! Easy!

The medicines you get through Rx Outreach are filled by licensed pharmacists in the United States. Rx Outreach gets medicine from the same companies that supply medicine to your local pharmacy.

There is no cost to you to join the program. There are no contracts or monthly bills. You pay just a small administrative fee for each supply of medicine that you order. The fee applies to each refill you order, too.

It's easy to get medicines through Rx Outreach. First, see if you qualify. Then see if the medicines you take are on our list. Last, send your prescription, completed Rx Outreach form, and full payment to Rx Outreach.

All you pay is: $20 or $30 for each 90-day (3 month) supply.

Enroll Now, It's Easy! Click Here to Get Started!
Fill out the Rx Outreach form   Visit or call your doctor or clinic   Sign the completed application
Rx Outreach Form:
Print the form and write your information in the blank areas.
and get a WRITTEN prescription for a 90-Day Supply. include your payment and written prescription(s) and mail to Rx Outreach.
All prescription drugs are filled by the ESSDS pharmacy at the following location:
Express Scripts Specialty Distribution Services, Inc. / 3171-3183 Riverport Tech Center Drive / Maryland Heights, MO 63043
©2006, Express Scripts Specialty Distribution Services, Inc., All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006 a interesting site to check out, on anti world poverty movement. a interesting site to check out, on anti world poverty movement.