Consumer Health Group News Forum

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Location: Washington, DC

I'm a 32 year-old first-time mama chronicling the jump off the cliff into parenthood and the free-fall into divorce. Thank you for the service of reading along.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Beatniks/"Day of the Book" radio special Sunday, April 1.

Catch ABC Radio/WJZW/"Smooth Jazz" uber-producer Thomas Grooms' half-hour special about "First Annual Beatniks' Rite of Spring Open-Mic Mental Health Poetry Marathon," and "Old Town Kensington International Day of the Book 2007" festival Sunday morning, April 1, at 6:00am EST;or click on the link below, then click "download now." Beatnik event will take place Wednesday night, April 25th, at Alfio's Trattoria, 4515 Willard Avenue in Friendship Heights, Maryland. Comments? Call Pete at (301)279-2578.

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Sunday, March 25, 2007

It's culpable and Mentally cruel of our US Congress not to give DC citzens a full voting member of, Join us in a march 4/16/07.

Demand The Vote. March With Us On April 16.
Where:  Gather at  Freedom Plaza and March on the capitol, is the Park at 14th and Constution St NW
When:   2:30 PM, April 16, DC Emancipation Day
What:    Voting Rights March--
             The Largest Demonstration Ever for DC Voting Rights
Why:     Because Congress Heeds To Hear:
             No More Taxation Without Representation!
Join the Voting Rights March.
Visit to register, learn more and help spread the word.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Brief Strategic Family Therapy Training Tampa, Florida April 12-15, 2007

Family Therapy Training Institute     of Miami
February 1, 2007
Brief Strategic Family Therapy©™ Training
Level I
Level I Training:
Tampa, Florida April 12-15, 2007
Conducted By: 
Olga E. Hervis, M.S.W., L.C.S.W.
Co-author / Co-developer 
Brief Strategic Family Therapy©™
Director, Family Therapy Training Institute of Miami


Olga E. Hervis is the co-author and co-developer of Brief Strategic Family Therapy (BSFT) ©™ and Family Effectiveness Therapy (FET).  BSFT is a nationally recognized-award winning, evidence-based, effective and practical approach to reducing problem behaviors, eliminating substance avuse risk factors, and strengthening families.  
Workshop for Clinicians
This Brief Strategic Family Therapy workshop features an overview of the model and basic concepts.  Completion of Level I Training can be applied toward training requirements for certification in Brief Strategic Family Therapy©™ (time restrictions may apply).  Sixteen (16) CEUs/contact hours available for mental health professionals, addictions prevention/treatment counselors, marriage and family therapists, social workers, health professionals.

Program Agenda
Thursday, April 12 to Sunday, April 15
Arrive Thursday afternoon / early evening
Depart Sunday noon
Trainees will be introduced to Brief Strategic Family Therapy©™
  • Research and Theoretical Foundation 
  • Systemic Diagnostic Process for Use with Families
  • Skills for Forming the Therapeutic System 
  • Restructuring Techniques 
  • Skills to Diagnose and Engage Resistant Families 
  • Overcoming Common Obstacles to Working  Systemically 

Training format includes lecture, videotape presentations, case presentation and interactive trainee participation


Registration & Cost Information
Register before April 1st

Registration Fee:  $325 per person (before April 1st)
                        $400 per person (after April 1st)
Click here to request a registration form: 
Visit our Website:
For more information contact:
Kathleen A. Shea, Ph.D.
305-668-0850 (direct)

Special Announcement
April 12-15, 2007





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Sunday, March 11, 2007

Beatniks' NIMH Night this Wednesday, March 14th.

> Dear friends of the Maryland-based "Bethesda Beatniks Dinner Club" for
> mental health consumers, family members and friends: The Club hosts the
> National Institute of Mental Health at Alfio's restaurant in Friendship
> Heights, MD this coming Wednesday night, March 14th. Two top
> doctor/scientists--one from the bipolar branch and one from the
> schizophrenia unit--will discuss the latest research findings, and field
> questions from the audience. In addition, patient recruiters from the
> many ongoing NIMH clinical drug trials will be on hand to answer
> questions.
> WHEN: Wednesday night, March 14th, 2007. Dinner starts 6:30pm, lectures
> start 7:15pm.
> WHERE: Alfio's Trattoria, 4515 Willard Avenue, Friendship Heights, MD,
> right across the District line, three blocks west of Wisconsin Avenue and
> the Friendship Heights Metro stop on the Red Line. Free valet parking.
> No RSVP necessary--just show up.
> Questions? Call Beatnik Pete at (301)279-2578. ###
> To be removed from the DCMHCL.ORG mailing list, send a message to
> with
> "remove me from list" in the subject line.
> This message was sent via dcmhcllist, a mailing list created through

Saturday, March 10, 2007

March 07 events, calendar

----- Original Message -----
From: "Yarmolinsky, Miriam"
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2007 2:12 PM
Subject: March 07 events, calendar

March calendar finally out, 1 page in PDF. If you do not have the free Adobe
Acrobat PDF Reader, you can download it here for FREE:

Synopsis of the rest of the month (please note there are some days where
suggestions for activities would be great!):
Today, Sat. March 10: NAMI C.A.R.E. support group, 3 - 4:30 pm (Open 1 to 5

Monday March 12: Open 4 to 9 pm (NAMI Peer to Peer class 5 of 10 starts at
6:45 pm; the kitchen and the back rooms will not be accessible as of 6:30
We welcome suggestions for activities!
(Games, movies, art, writing, poetry, impromptu support groups?)

Tuesday March 13:
Steering Committee meeting, 2 - 3:30 pm, back room?
Open 4 - 7 pm
Workplace support group, 6 - 7 pm

Thursday March 15: Open 4 - 7 pm
Miriam will be attending an ABC studio taping of poetry by SSDIC members
along w/ Pete Warner of the Bethesda Beatniks; please submit more poetry
before then! There will be another meeting at Alfio's in Chevy Chase
(Willard Ave., visit starting 5:30 pm to rehearse). People are
welcome to come to Alfio's, contact Pete Warner at 301 279 2578 or visit for more information

Saturday March 17:
OFFSITE: Disclosing Mental Illness in the Workplace, 1 - 3 pm at Warner
Memorial Presbyterian Church, 10123 Washington St. (off of Connecticut Ave.
in Kensington). Please RSVP to NAMI Montgomery County office by no later
than Thursday March 15, 12 pm, at 301 949 5852.
ONSITE: The drop-in center will be open 1 - 5 pm; there will also be Pet
Therapy (a visit from Arwin, Maggie's Siberian Husky) visiting probably
around 2 pm.

Monday March 19: Open 3:15 - 9 pm
Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation: 3:45 to 4:45 pm with Leah Harris
NAMI Peer-to-Peer class 6 of 10, 6:45 to 9 pm

Tuesday March 20: Open 4 - 7 pm
Pizza Eve, 3rd Tues of the month, 5 pm. Please RSVP! Donations accepted!
(even a dollar or two would help defray our costs)

Thursday March 22: Open 4 - 7 pm
Poetry with JoAnne Growney, 4:30 to 6:30 pm

Friday March 23:
OFFSITE, for NAMI Peer-to-Peer graduates and current students: NAMI
Peer-to-Peer Graduate and current student reunion, 6:30 pm at Tastee Diner,
8601 Cameron St., SS, MD 20910. (Tastee Diner's phone # was 301-589-8171)
(please RSVP to Sarah Karney by Monday 3/19, to 301 949-5852 X 105 or email <> or
<> )

Saturday March 24: Open 1 - 5 pm
NAMI C.A.R.E. 3 - 4:30 pm

Monday March 26: Open 4 - 9 pm
We welcome suggestions for activities!
(Games, movies, art, writing, poetry, impromptu support groups?)
NAMI Peer to Peer class 7 of 10, 6:45 to 9 pm

Tuesday March 27: Open 4 - 7 pm
March Birthdays starting 4:30 pm; please RSVP!

Thursday March 29: Open 4 - 7 pm
We welcome suggestions for activities!
(Games, movies, art, writing, poetry, impromptu support groups?)

Saturday March 31: Open 1 - 5 pm
We welcome suggestions for activities!
(Games, movies, art, writing, poetry, impromptu support groups?)

Miriam L. Yarmolinsky
Silver Spring Drop-In Center at Affiliated Santé Group
7961 Eastern Ave., First Floor
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Voice: (301) 589-2303 X 108; X 111 direct, during drop-in center hours
Fax: (301) 585-2965
~ The Silver Spring Drop-In Center's current hours of operation are M, T,
and Th, 4 - 7 pm, and Sat 1 - 5 pm.~


From: Yarmolinsky, Miriam
Sent: Tue 3/6/2007 5:05 PM
Subject: Disclosure of Mental Illness in Workplace, thrue NAMI MC, Sat.
March 17, 07, 1 - 3 pm, please register

Attached is the PDF flyer for this event on disclosing about mental illness
in the workplace, Sat. March 17, 1 - 3 pm, at Warner Memorial Presbyterian
Church, 10123 Washington St. (off of Connecticut Ave. in Kensington). Please
RSVP up to Thursday March 15 at NAMI MC office (NOT THROUGH ME!), 301 949
5852 or

We will have the drop in center open that day, but Miriam may be attending
this event, and will return to drop in center afterwards (Mychele will keep
the center open regular hours, 1 - 5 pm)

Maybe some of us could carpool back to the drop in after the event in

Miriam L. Yarmolinsky
Silver Spring Drop-In Center at Affiliated Santé Group
7961 Eastern Ave., First Floor
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Voice: (301) 589-2303 X 108; X 111 direct, during drop-in center hours
Fax: (301) 585-2965
~ The Silver Spring Drop-In Center's current hours of operation are M, T,
and Th, 4 - 7 pm, and Sat 1 - 5 pm.~


From: Yarmolinsky, Miriam
Sent: Mon 3/5/2007 8:43 PM
Subject: Poetry participants rehearsal Tuesday March 6, 5 pm here, for
Thursday March 8 event in Chevy Chase

From Peter Warner:
(Please note that the event says 5 pm at the drop in center, and it can go
on until 7 pm, although I will be leaving at 6:15 pm to go to a Board
Meeting elsewhere. Pete and Ron Goad will probably stay til 7 pm.)

To: All budding Silver Spring Drop-in Center Poets.

Tomorrow afternoon, Tuesday March 6th 5:00 pm at Drop-in Center: Calling all
poets!! Come rehearse your best original material with professional
drum-player and mental health consumer Ron Goad, prepping for the taping of
a series of radio spots Thursday afternoon by WTOP Radio's "Man About Town"
DJ Bob Madigan at Alfio's Trattoria restaurant in Friendship Heights, three
blocks from Friendship Heights Metro. "Bethesda Beatniks Dinner Club"
manager "Beatnik Pete" Warner will also be on hand to answer questions about
heavily-publicized consumer open-mic poetry night marathon, to be held April
25th also at Alfio's with--count them--five professional musicians backing
up the poets. Don't be shy--beginning poets welcome. Here's your chance to
get commercial radio exposure, and quite possibly "Montgomery Gazette"
exposure too, for your creative work and your personal story. ###

Beatnik Pete/"Bethesda Beatniks Dinner Club"/ ###

Miriam L. Yarmolinsky
Silver Spring Drop-In Center at Affiliated Santé Group
7961 Eastern Ave., First Floor
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Voice: (301) 589-2303 X 108; X 111 direct, during drop-in center hours
Fax: (301) 585-2965
~ The Silver Spring Drop-In Center's current hours of operation are M, T,
and Th, 4 - 7 pm, and Sat 1 - 5 pm.~

Friday, March 09, 2007


Thank you for RSVPing for the DRPA Letter Delivery Day! It looks like we'll
>have about 10 people participating. Attached is a one-page fact sheet that
>provides an overview of the bill and the budget needs. We'll be using this
>as our talking points.
>As a reminder, the details are:
>WHAT: DRPA Letter Delivery Day
>DATE: Monday March 12, 2007
>TIME: 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
>WHERE: John A. Wilson Building
> 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
>CELL: 202-486-3567
>MEET: Let's officially convene inside the building on the first floor, in
>the "lobby" area just beyond the security gates on the Pennsylvania Avenue
>(front side of the building at the top of the front stair).
This is one
>floor up from the accessible entrance on the front side; the elevator will
>take you directly up. If you're running late or for any reason having
>trouble getting in or finding us, call my cell at 202-486-3567. We will
>have a lookout person out front.
>Once we're all together we can go over logistics. This is an easy and fun
>event. Several offices plan to have staff members speak with us and at
>one office has indicated we may get to say hello to the Councilmember,
>although I assume that will be brief.
>Again, thank you so much!! I'll look forward to seeing you all Monday. Many
>thanks and all the best, TJ
>T.J. Sutcliffe, Director of Advocacy & Public Policy
>The Arc of the District of Columbia
>817 Varnum Street, NE Suite 229
>Washington, DC 20017
>Phone: (202) 636-2963 / Fax: (202) 529-1854

>Web site:

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Fund the Disability Rights Protection Act of 2006!


While 1 in 5, or approximately 114,000, DC residents is a person with a disability, individuals with disabilities are too often unable to access DC government buildings and services.


The federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 requires the DC government to be open and accessible to people with disabilities. However, for many years the DC government has not had an overall plan, the knowledge or the means to make sure this happens. As a result, people with disabilities are often excluded from much-needed government services and DC has been repeatedly sued for violating disability rights laws under the ADA.


The Disability Rights Protection Act


The Disability Rights Protection Act of 2006 will become law on March 12, 2006. The law will:


  1. Create a city-wide ADA Compliance Program. All DC government agencies will have an ADA Coordinator, and will have a plan for how the agency will be accessible to people with disabilities.
  2. Create an Office of Disability Rights. The Office will oversee the city-wide ADA Compliance Plan and help DC government agencies learn how to be more accessible. It will also help people with disabilities who have questions about their disability rights.
  3. Put the Mayor’s Committee on Persons with Disabilities in the Office of Disability Rights so that people with disabilities have a voice in the new Office.




Ø    Making DC a better place for individuals with disabilities to live, work and play.

Ø    Helping people with disabilities access DC government buildings and services.

Ø    Giving DC agencies the know-how to assist people with disabilities.

Ø    Saving DC money by reducing costly lawsuits against the DC government.

Ø    Making sure the Mayor and public have the information needed to improve the city’s accessibility year after year.


Funding Needed for Implementation


The Disability Rights Protection Act will not take effect without funding. Mayor Fenty has committed to implement the new Office of Disability Rights with 4 staff members in FY 2007 and 10 staff members in FY 2008, at an estimated cost of $1.5 to $2.0 million for FY 2008.


Community Support


The Disability Rights Protection Act is supported by DC residents with disabilities and 69 community organizations which formally endorse the legislation.


For more information, contact Amber W. Harding, Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless,

 (202) 328-5503 or T.J. Sutcliffe, The Arc of DC, (202) 636-2963.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Alternatives 2007

Alternatives 2007