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Location: Washington, DC

I'm a 32 year-old first-time mama chronicling the jump off the cliff into parenthood and the free-fall into divorce. Thank you for the service of reading along.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Mama Dharma

Mama Dharma: "Friday, June 29, 2007"
The Mommune Manifesto

I have had a thought, an idea, a dream that has gone off like a cannon in my head today, and won't leave me alone, and I would like to share it with you.

The Mommune.

I have a dream.

I have a dream of a place where "it takes a village" is real and not a nice-sounding theory.

I want a place where I can truly live my values of conscious, sustainable living. A place on the land, yet close enough to a city to allow for occasional urban day-trips. A place where single mothers could pool their resources to create a true village of sisterhood and support. We would help each other raise our kids, we would share babysitting so that we could take much-needed breaks for ourselves--to meditate, write, paint, do yoga, or just sit under a tree and be.

We would create the conditions of economic self-sufficiency so that no one would have to work long hours at a job that did not nourish their souls because they felt trapped, without choices. We would not have to kill ourselves working to try to make ends meet after childcare and mortgages or rent sucked it all away. We would not have to miss out on huge swathes of our children's lives because we were too busy working to sustain some kind of artificial cultural construct that says that everyone should live in these discrete economic units called houses that literally keep us apart from one another, and that we should pay someone else to watch our children even though it breaks our hearts when we drop them off all day, five days a week, everyone spinning in their own individual orbits trying to keep it all together even though it just doesn't feel right.

We could collectively educate our kids in a wonderful kind of free school. We would teach our kids about nonviolent communication and we would teach them how to think for themselves and to love themselves unconditionally and to care for the earth and each other. We would use gentle discipline and most of all we would heal ourselves so that we could teach primarily by our own authentic example.

Together we would cook and we would clean and wash and maintain the land and these tasks would not be burdensome or overwhelming because we would all just have a little bit to do, just our small share, our contribution to the collective effort.

We would all bring our own unique skills and talents into the mix and we would all have the opportunity to constantly teach and learn from one another. With our remarkable pooled skill set, we could create a small business or businesses that would enable us to fund our crazy and beautiful venture in a sustainable way.

The Mommune would bring together the best of intentional/collective living without any strange, scary charismatic leaders or hierarchical, cult-like formations. The Mommune would be both utopian and utterly grounded.

Heck, even nuclear "intact" families could join us on the Mommune, although the community's primary purpose would be to be a network of emotional, financial, and creative support for single mothers.

Maybe this is a crazy pipe dream, but it is delicious to let myself dream in this way. I feel like I and others really could dream The Mommune into reality. All it takes is enough of us to believe in this dream wholeheartedly. There is no such thing as an impossible dream.

I am just putting it out there, and delighting in the infinite possibilities that unfurl before me when I dare to dream outside the box.


> Based upon the overwhelming response to Dr. Bob Litman's "Beatniks Club"
> talk last Wednesday--he's the founder and major domo behind the local CBH
> Health empire--this multi-faceted company is hosting a gourmet pizza
> party/open house at their offices off of Medical Center Drive in Rockville
> (near Potomac Ridge hospital) this coming Friday afternoon, July 6th, and
> quite possibly stretching into the evening. Doctors and recruiters will
> be on hand to answer all of your questions about the myriad clinical drug
> trials which this company sponsors (and for which consumers get paid to
> participate in!!); answer questions about existing and upcoming
> psychotropic meds; and answer all of your questions about CBH Health's
> popular "Life Skills" day-treatment program which also meets weekdays in
> Rockville, near the intersection of Shady Grove Road and Gaither Road.
> Anyone who's had gyrations with their meds...anyone who wants to know
> about newer drugs which will be coming out over the next few
> years...anyone who's had nasty side-effects from their existing
> meds...anyone who wants to actually get paid to be a little bit of a
> guinea pig, and contribute to medical science in the process...anyone
> curious about "Life Skills," will want to attend. Family members are also
> welcome.
> A CBH Health shuttle bus will ferry people to and from the Shady Grove
> Metro stop, starting at about 11:00am this Friday and continuing for as
> long as necessary. For those who can't conveniently make it to Shady
> Grove Metro, Dr. Bob is willing to spring for cab fare (within reason).
> Here's your chance to learn from the experts, free of charge, and gorge on
> Zio's pizza, arguably the best in the county. (At roughly $25 per pizza
> pie, it had better be good.)
> Your first step to register is to call me, Beatnik Pete, at (240)449-5988,
> and I'll hook you up with the right people at CBH Health.
> QUESTIONS?: BEATNIK PETE, (240)449-5988.
> Beatnik Pete/"Bethesda Beatniks Dinner Club"/

> ---------------------------------------------------
> To be removed from the DCMHCL.ORG mailing list,
> send a message to with
> "remove me from list" in the subject line of message.
> ===================================================
> To add a friend, family member or co -worker goto WWW.DCMHCL.ORG and use
> the envelop to the left to join this health list.
> This message was sent via healthlist, a mailing list created through

Burned out on synthetic psychotropics? Herbal/botanical/alternative medicine expert talks to Beatniks before fireworks this Wednesday night, July 4th.

> Are you burned out on very expensive synthetic psychotropic drugs? Tired
> of nasty side effects? Want to try something natural...and generally much
> less expensive? One of the world's top experts in natural herbal and
> botanical treatments for the whole spectrum of psychiatric disorders, Dr.
> Jerry Cott, has the answers and will address the Bethesda Beatniks Dinner
> Club--BEFORE THE FIREWORKS START--at Alfio's in Friendship Heights on
> Wednesday night, July 4th. Dr. Jerry, Ph.D., is a researcher, writer,
> lecturer, and scientific consultant for conventional and complementary
> health care and academia. He has lectured at major universities and
> international meetings for more than 25 years. His research interests
> include psychotherapeutic drug development and the treatment of mental
> disorders by the rational use of conventional drugs and/or nutritional
> (essential fatty acids) and botanical (e.g. hypericum, ginkgo, kava,
> valerian) supplements. A current specialty is herb-drug interac!
> tions.
> He has more than 80 scientific publications and was most recently Chief of
> the Psychopharmacology Research Program at the National Institute of
> Mental Health at NIH. Jerry has also done research in the pharmaceutical
> industry and currently reviews new drugs with the U.S. Food and Drug
> Administration (FDA). Obviously, this man knows whereof he speaks.
> WHEN: Wednesday, July 4th, 2007, dinner starts 6:30pm, lecture/discussion
> starts 7:15pm.
> WHERE: Alfio's Trattoria, 4515 Willard Avenue in Friendship Heights, three
> blocks west of Wisconsin Avenue and the Friendship Heights Metro stop.
> Free valet parking.
> QUESTIONS? Call Pete at (240)449-5988.
> Hope to see ya' there...then it's off to the fireworks displays!!
> Beatnik Pete/"Bethesda Beatniks Dinner Club"/

> ---------------------------------------------------
> To be removed from the DCMHCL.ORG mailing list,
> send a message to with
> "remove me from list" in the subject line of message.
> ===================================================
> To add a friend, family member or co -worker goto WWW.DCMHCL.ORG and use
> the envelop to the left to join this health list.
> This message was sent via healthlist, a mailing list created through

Fw: July 2007 calendar; RE: Wash Nationals Sat. July 7, 07, at 7:05 pm

July calendar in PDF. A run down of events (highlights) will arrive in a few
days. Meanwhile, here's a one page calendar for this month.

Two highlights that you should know about right now:

1. We still have tickets left for the Washington Nationals game on Sat. July
7 at 7 pm, scroll down for old email. You must become a member of SSDIC
(free application/membership) in order to get a ticket, and they will only
be available for pick up on Sat. July 7, between 1 and 5 pm. Then, a group
of us will take the metro down to RFK Stadium Armory.

2. Donna Lewis, an EEO attorney, will conduct a workshop on Sat. July 21, at
2pm, on "Whether or not to disclose mental illness in the workplace." She
held a very successful workshop in March, sponsored by NAMI Montgomery
County, and we are thrilled that she is willing to hold one here at the drop
in! Please RSVP for this event by no later than Thursday July 19, if you
can. Light refreshments will be served.


Miriam L. Yarmolinsky
Silver Spring Drop-In Center at Affiliated Santé Group
7961 Eastern Ave., First Floor
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Voice: (301) 589-2303 X 108; X 111 direct, during drop-in center hours
Fax: (301) 585-2965
visit and click on Drop-In Center (left on menu)
~ The Silver Spring Drop-In Center's current hours of operation (for
visiting the center) are M, T, and Th 4 - 7 pm, and Sat 1 - 5 pm.~
* If you have never visited the drop-in center before, please arrange for a
brief interview beforehand. Membership applications are available online at or you can
request an application in person. Thanks! *


From: Yarmolinsky, Miriam
Sent: Thu 6/28/2007 8:19 PM
Subject: Wash Nationals Sat. July 7, 07, at 7:05 pm


Opportunity for Sat July 7: Washington Nationals game at RFK stadium at 7:05
ticket~ free application included, or go online, see signature line. We only
have 20 tickets, 6 people have signed up already but some often drop off at
last minute, so we will have a waitlist. You must pick up ticket from here
on Saturday July 7, between 1 and 5 pm ONLY. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Flyer and application attached in PDF (please note the application for
membership is two, two-sided pages; documents entitled dicmemberapp1.pdf and

Silver Spring Drop-In Center presents Washington Nationals vs. Milwaukee
Brewers on Saturday July 7, 2007.

Game starts at 7:05 p.m.

The Washington Nationals have been very kind to donate 20 tickets to us
again this year.

The first 14 - 15 people who sign up, who are either already SSDIC members
or who will fill out a free SSDIC member application, and can come and pick
up their tickets here on the same day of the game, will have a chance to
attend the game. Others can be placed on a waitlist, as we have 20 tickets,
and plans sometimes change between now and next Saturday.

Bring your own $ for transportation (RFK metro, we will be leaving the
center around 5:15 pm). Please note that the food costs are pretty high, and
expect to pay at least $8 for a hotdog! For information on the game, visit <> or call

LEAVING FROM: Silver Spring Drop-In Center at Affiliated Santé Group, 7961
Eastern Ave., first floor, Silver Spring MD, by 5:15 p.m.


Miriam L. Yarmolinsky
Silver Spring Drop-In Center at Affiliated Santé Group
7961 Eastern Ave., First Floor
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Voice: (301) 589-2303 X 108; X 111 direct, during drop-in center hours
Fax: (301) 585-2965
visit and click on Drop-In Center (left on menu)
~ The Silver Spring Drop-In Center's current hours of operation (for
visiting the center) are M, T, and Th 4 - 7 pm, and Sat 1 - 5 pm.~
* If you have never visited the drop-in center before, please arrange for a
brief interview beforehand. Membership applications are available online at or you can
request an application in person. Thanks! *


From: Yarmolinsky, Miriam
Sent: Mon 6/25/2007 10:28 PM
Subject: Tues, Thurs and Sat activities, 6/26 - 6/30/07

Please forward to clients, etc.

Highlights for this week (excluding today):

Tues June 26: Open 4 - 8 pm ; June Birthdays around 4:30 p; WRAP (week 3 of
4), 5:30-7:30 pm (if you haven't been to the first two WRAP classes, this
class will repeat itself in the future, details when they arrive) flyer

Thur June 28: Open 4 - 7 pm; Game Day (board games) or, if people prefer,
some other activity flyer attached

Sat June 30: Open 1 - 5 pm; Arts, minor crafts, 2 p.m. flyer attached

PS July Calendar will be available soon, stay tuned

If you'd like to be removed from these mailings, please send an email w/
UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line, and we'll try to take care of it. Thanks!
(it may take a couple of attempts to get it sorted out)

Miriam L. Yarmolinsky
Silver Spring Drop-In Center at Affiliated Santé Group
7961 Eastern Ave., First Floor
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Voice: (301) 589-2303 X 108; X 111 direct, during drop-in center hours
Fax: (301) 585-2965
visit and click on Drop-In Center (left on menu)
~ The Silver Spring Drop-In Center's current hours of operation (for
visiting the center) are M, T, and Th 4 - 7 pm, and Sat 1 - 5 pm.~
* If you have never visited the drop-in center before, please arrange for a
brief interview beforehand. Membership applications are available online at or you can
request an application in person. Thanks! *


From: Yarmolinsky, Miriam
Sent: Wed 6/6/2007 6:24 PM
Subject: June activities update

Next series of announcements...

Thur June 7: Open 4 - 7 pm; Resources & Referrals, by appt. Sign up for help
w/ specific issues, like housing, food stamps, disability, etc.

PLEASE NOTE: Poetry w/ JoAnne Growney HAS BEEN CANCELLED due to family
health issues. You may still come and share your poetry or hang out and
discuss literature and poetry, or get help in editing from staff. We will
let you know when the next Poetry class will resume

Sat June 9: Open 1 - 5 pm; NAMI C.A.R.E. support group, 3 - 4:30 p (Miriam
will be at the offsite event below that day)

OFFSITE: Borderline Personality Disorder conference/symposium, at Suburban
Hosp, 9 - 4 pm, visit

for more info; ($20 registration for consumers)

Mon June 11: Open 3 - 7 pm; Intro to Mindfulness Meditation w/ Leah Harris,
3:15 - 4:45 pm flyer attached
PC/Computer help will be available from 3 - 7 pm, by Mike Wells. We're
trying to get a group going for computer lessons, so come w/ questions and
suggestion. flyer attached

Tues June 12: Open 4 - 8 pm; CLASS (1 of 4) of WRAP - Wellness Recovery
Action Plan, with Beverly McCollum We may have one or two more slots left.
You must contact Miriam in advance and plan to attend all four classes.
flyer attached (NOTE: This class has a 15 person limit, so please RSVP in
Thur June 14: Open 4 - 7 pm; Game Day (board games)

Sat June 16: Open 1 - 5 pm; NAMI Montgomery's In Our Own Voice's Brenda
McArthur and James Vurpillot will present powerful stories of their journey
in recovery, starting 2 pm; Pet visit (usually a cat, but contact me if you
want your pet to be the June guest visitor!)

Mon June 18: Open 4 - 9 pm; NAMI Peer to Peer class (1 of 10), 6:45 - 9pm;
open later for 10 successive Mondays due to the class, but the kitchen and
the back rooms will be off limits except to the Peer to Peer class, starting
6:30 pm

Tues June 19: Open 4 - 8 pm ; Pizza eve, 3rd Tues of month, starting around
4:30 pm; WRAP (week 2 of 4), 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Thur June 21: Open 4 - 7 pm; Resources & Referrals - sign up for help w/
housing, food stamps, benefits, SSI/SSDI, whatever, or drop by.

Fri June 22: OFFSITE: DORS/MHA conference, on employment & dual diagnosis,
8 - 4:30 pm, Best Western Conference & Hotel Cntr., Baltimore, MD . Call
410.646.7758 or Steve Reeder 410-402-8484

Sat June 23: Open 1 - 5 pm; NAMI C.A.R.E. support group, 3 - 4:30 pm

Mon June 25: Open 4 - 9 pm ; NAMI Peer to Peer class 2 of 10, 6:45 - 9 p

Tues June 26: Open 4 - 8 pm ; June Birthdays around 4:30 p; WRAP (week 3 of
4), 5:30-7:30 pm

Thur June 28: Open 4 - 7 pm; Game Day (board games) or, if people prefer,
some other activity

Sat June 30: Open 1 - 5 pm; Arts & Crafts, 2 p.m.

Stay tuned for July: follow-up focus group on Trauma-Informed Care by Mary
Blake, formerly of CAN-DC may be scheduled. (Consumer Action Network of DC)

If you'd like to be removed from these mailings, please send an email w/
UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line, and we'll try to take care of it. Thanks!
(it may take a couple of attempts to get it sorted out)


Sunday, July 01, 2007

Seniors to keep affordable homes, HOC buys Forest Oak Towers for $20.7 million, saves subsidies

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Seniors to keep affordable homes

HOC buys Forest Oak Towers for $20.7 million, saves subsidies

E-mail this article \ Print this article

Brian Lewis⁄The Gazette
Grayce Ward, the longest residing resident of Forest Oak Apartments, talk with County Councilman Philip M. Andrews (D-Dist. 3) of Gaithersburg. Next to Ward are Forest Oak Towers residents Hazel Krouse (left) and Nancy Mayo.
A housing authority that serves Montgomery County this week celebrated the purchase of a 175-unit Gaithersburg apartment complex that will now be able to retain subsidies for its low-income senior tenants.

The Housing Opportunities Commission's $20.7 million purchase of Forest Oak Towers ensures the continued renewal of the Housing Assistance Payment Contract, a federal subsidized housing program, said Peter Engel, assistant director of the HOC real estate division.

The move preserves affordable housing for the city's most vulnerable population, said the city's Director of community development Louise Kauffmann.

Gaithersburg has about 4,000 affordable housing units, based on a 2005 survey, she said.

That's more than in most areas of the county, but with major redevelopment projects coming up such as at the Broadstone Apartments, it's important for Gaithersburg to retain as much affordable housing as possible, Kauffmann said.

Housing in Forest Oak Towers is available to those 62 years and older, or those with disabilities, and whose average annual income is about $14,000, said Susan Krimer, assistant director in the HOC office of legislative and public affairs.

However, to comply with fair housing regulations that limit occupancy, the facility is not expected to receive new disabled people under 62 years old, Krimer wrote in an e-mail.

The current affordable housing contract was set to expire in 2009.

The HOC acted to purchase the property when it learned that some developers had inquired about purchasing it.

''If somebody else were to buy it ... come 2009, we wouldn't have any clear idea of what would happen," Engel said. ''Our mission is to provide affordable housing. It serves very low-income seniors, and there is a shortage not just in the county, but throughout the state and it certainly fits our goal."

More than 100 seniors and officials from local to federal levels packed under a tent Monday afternoon outside Forest Oak Towers, located at 101 Odendhal Ave., to praise the purchase.

''For us to preserve and increase affordable housing, we must first keep what we have," said County Executive Isiah Leggett (D).

Ella Mae Burton, 77, a Forest Oak Towers resident since 2004, said during the ceremony that she was shocked to hear she might lose her home, but is delighted that won't happen.

''I plan to be with you for a long time to come," she said.

Sale of the 26-year-old building by Bethesda-based real estate company The Artery Group was finalized March 30.

The facility provides 100 percent Section 8 housing, which allows residents to devote only 30 percent of their income to rent while the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development covers the remainder, Krimer said.

The HOC began working to purchase Forest Oak Towers in 2005, Krimer said.

Payment was assisted by state-issued tax credits, programs with Montgomery County and Gaithersburg that reduce property tax to $1 per year and a risk-sharing agreement with HUD's Federal Housing Administration that insures 75 percent of a $18.1 million HOC loan, Krimer said.

The deal also includes $2.6 million for renovation and other contingencies. Upgrades include new appliances for the rooms, fresh carpet and other amenities, said Martha McClelland, regional property manager with Realty Management Service, the company that operates Forest Oak Towers

But for three-year Forest Oak Towers resident John Jackson, 66, it's plenty just to know he'll stay with all his friends.

''I feel very much relieved because this is home," Jackson said.

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